Grand Lake Stream at Weatherby’s Lodge
Come experience a traditional Maine fishing adventure in Grand Lake
Stream at Weatherby’s Lodge. Fly fish for landlocked salmon in historic
Grand Lake Stream during May and June and again during the fall spawning
run during our extended season in October. Smallmouth bass fishing can
be pursued from May all the way to the end of October on the many lakes
and ponds in the region. Smallmouth bass can be chased with traditional
gear as well as fly rods. In addition to my 18ft Kodiak Crestliner, we
also have the option of using traditional grand laker canoes to fish the
many smaller bodies of water that hold trophy smallmouth bass. Stay in
one of the oldest and most famous sporting lodges in the state of Maine.
Along with your day on the water enjoy a traditional shore lunch cooked
over an open fire.
Reservations can be made at