Even with the lower than normal temperatures this spring there is some open water to be found. Spent the day on the Crooked River below Bolsters Mills and down to Edes Falls. The river still had ice on many of the pools and there were ice shelves all along the banks of the upper section of the river. With these conditions safety is the utmost concern for any angler brave enough to be out in the river. Dress in layers and ensure that you have a warm base layer under your waders. Wool socks are a must. In addition to dressing appropriately try to limit the length of time in the water at one time, as the water is icy cold. Do not wade over your waist and have a good pair of polarized sunglasses to see where you are going.
While there are open water opportunities, it is important to note that, per Maine fishing regulation, an angler cannot fish into open water while standing on ice that is still on the water. While this may be a regulation, it is also not very safe as the ice near open water may not be strong enough to stand on.
The weather outlook looks good as temperatures this weekend will be in the 50s and 60s on Monday so conditions will improve everywhere. With this warming trend the trout and holdover salmon will become more active and will be more receptive to offerings of nymphs and streamers.
Looking back through my records from 2007 I noted a very heavy Sucker run on the 26th of April. This was after the Patriots Day storm approximately 10 days previously. That just goes to show how quickly this river can recover from one major storm. The smelts usually run around this time as well so this river can get busy real quick. These two events are not that far off so stock up with Sucker egg patterns and smelt streamers.

So be safe out there, but, most important, get out and enjoy the outdoors.