Summer Report
If you haven't taken advantage of the awesome fishing this summer has provided you still have time. We have been on pretty consistent lake trout fishing for the duration of the summer and bass fishing is providing fast action on the many bodies of water our state...
Spring Update
This spring has been an interesting one for sure. We are now seeing many rivers and streams flowing higher than usual and the long term forecast is calling for more rain. Many of the rivers up north are near flood stage and are very dangerous to even think about...
For the Love of the Outdoors
It may be a surprise to some that I do not always fish. I have been laser focused on getting out on the water more than I have ever before, but I always appreciate the days that I can just put on a backpack and hike through the woods and enjoy nature. I especially...
I have a frequent debate with my friends on the water regarding when is the best time to fish. Some of them state moon cycles, weather systems or time of the year. My contention is that if I did not catch fish that day it was my fault as I did not figure out what they...
This time of the year I always find myself reflecting on what I am thankful for. I never take things for granted and always work for everything that I receive, so I am extra thankful for what I have. As we spend time with our families over the next month and a half...
Water Needed
The lack of water this year has been very concerning. We did not have a typical winter with an adequate snowpack and many of the larger lakes in the southern part of the state did not have a lot of ice covering them. While this helps with our heating bills and driving...
Good Times Are Made On The Water
There are times before a trip begins that you get the feeling that the day will be special. Our most recent trip was just like that. We were bringing our gear up as the sun was coming up giving us an awesome view of the pond. Mist was rising from the water, the birds...
“How Will We Know?”
"How will I know when a fish takes my lure?" This is the most common question that I am asked when an angler trolls for the first time. When a fish takes your streamer or lure there is no question as the rod bounces rapidly. I just think back to when I first began...
Spring Is Here
I think we were a little spoiled with how good the fishing was in the early part of the open water season. It was only a matter of time before we had another snap of cold weather. Often times the bite will invariably slow down, but you can still catch fish if you put...
Early Season Success
With the milder winter many of the lakes and ponds in the southern part of the state shed their covering of ice early. The ice fishing season was fair at best and some larger lakes never safely iced over, so they received minimal fishing pressure. That bodes very well...