Open Water and High Hopes

Open Water and High Hopes

Every March there is a longing for fishing open water and warmer days! It doesn't help that as the days get longer the ice takes a beating and we may squeak out one last ice fishing trip, but my mind is already on my boat. It also doesn't help that when I sit down for...

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Ice Fishing Update

Ice Fishing Update

We have had a great season so far, but with many challenges along the way. The rest of our trips on Sebago Lake have been cancelled due to unsafe conditions. We would never run a trip that would put our clients in jeopardy. There will always be anglers that will risk...

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A Day on the Ice

A Day on the Ice

I think there are many times that we as anglers and guides overthink how simple fishing can be. Dan and I recently went out with a professional photographer Justin Smulski from Tide to Pine Creative on an ice fishing trip. I knew exactly where we...

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2021 Review

2021 Review

I wanted to thank everyone for a wonderful 2021 season! Without those that gave me the chance to share with them my passion for the outdoors I wouldn't be where I am today, and I am eternally grateful. Whether those clients wanted a freshwater, saltwater or ice...

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Spring/Summer Report

Spring/Summer Report

This has been a very interesting spring and early summer to say the least. Most guides and charter captains have been worried about the pandemics affect on our business and to say that I didn't worry about this as well would be a lie. However, we have seen an uptick...

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Making Due

Making Due

During this global health pandemic many things have changed for the guides and charter captains that operate in our state and all around the world. As of right now we cannot operate until at least April 30th in Maine due to an order from the Governor which closed all...

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Captain Jon

Captain Jon

Through the busy season last year it may not have been clear how much had changed for me and my business.  I obtained my OUPV 6 pack license through the Coast Guard, which allows me to operate a vessel with up to 6 passengers on the ocean.  Later in the year I passed...

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Pro Staff

Pro Staff

During the spring of 2019 I had the great opportunity to join the Pro Staff for Crestliner boats by being sponsored by Clark Marine in Manchester, Maine.  I already had a Crestliner boat and I loved how durable and bulletproof the hull was so having the chance to...

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Thank you!

Thank you!

This past year has been a blast! We are looking forward to an exciting 2019 season, but couldn't pass the opportunity to extend our deepest appreciation for everyone that chose us for their outdoor adventure.  Each trip was different in many different ways, but there...

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Looking back

Looking back

This past fall was an interesing one for sure. We had later bass trips booked than normal, which was a blessing as the water stayed a little too warm for many of our trout streams to safely fish. I think that many clients are now seeing the benefits of the fringe...

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