by | Jan 13, 2019 | Camping, Fishing Reports, Fly Fishing, Hiking, Ice Fishing, Katahdin Region, lake trout, maine, maine guide, Moosehead Region, salmon, Sebago Region, shoreside lunch, Snowshoeing
This past year has been a blast! We are looking forward to an exciting 2019 season, but couldn’t pass the opportunity to extend our deepest appreciation for everyone that chose us for their outdoor adventure. Each trip was different in many different ways, but...
by | Feb 15, 2018 | Fishing Reports, Fly Fishing, Ice Fishing, Katahdin Region, maine, maine guide, Moosehead Region, salmon, Sebago Region, shoreside lunch
This past fall was an interesing one for sure. We had later bass trips booked than normal, which was a blessing as the water stayed a little too warm for many of our trout streams to safely fish. I think that many clients are now seeing the benefits of the fringe...
by | Aug 17, 2017 | Fishing Reports, Fly Fishing, lake trout, maine, maine guide, salmon, Sebago Region, shoreside lunch
If you haven’t taken advantage of the awesome fishing this summer has provided you still have time. We have been on pretty consistent lake trout fishing for the duration of the summer and bass fishing is providing fast action on the many bodies of water our...
by | May 10, 2017 | Fishing Reports, Fly Fishing, lake trout, maine, maine guide, salmon, Sebago Region, shoreside lunch
This spring has been an interesting one for sure. We are now seeing many rivers and streams flowing higher than usual and the long term forecast is calling for more rain. Many of the rivers up north are near flood stage and are very dangerous to even think about...
by | Mar 21, 2017 | Camping, Fishing Reports, Hiking, Katahdin Region, Moosehead Region, Sebago Region, Snowshoeing
It may be a surprise to some that I do not always fish. I have been laser focused on getting out on the water more than I have ever before, but I always appreciate the days that I can just put on a backpack and hike through the woods and enjoy nature. I especially...
by | Feb 14, 2017 | Fishing Reports, Ice Fishing, Sebago Region
I have a frequent debate with my friends on the water regarding when is the best time to fish. Some of them state moon cycles, weather systems or time of the year. My contention is that if I did not catch fish that day it was my fault as I did not figure out what they...