by | Jun 8, 2015 | Fishing Reports, Fly Fishing, Sebago Region
I love the month of June as the days are getting longer and the trout and salmon are more active throughout ponds and rivers. The Presumpscot River has seen a tremendous amount of fish stocked and even some 17 inch plus fish. With this stocking program there are many...
by | Jun 1, 2015 | Fishing Reports, Fly Fishing, Katahdin Region
It is always a pleasure for me to fish where it all began. The Sebec River is that place and I cut my teeth as a new fly fisher with my Dad’s old Cortland 8 weight rod with a broken tip. When I had the rod tip fixed it was six inches shorter and was better...
by | May 29, 2015 | Fishing Reports, Fly Fishing, Moosehead Region
The Roach River will always be a very special place for me. There have been so many memories fishing with my friends and there have been some incredible moments that you needed to be there to believe. Such an instance was during the last week of September many years...
by | May 14, 2015 | Fishing Reports, Fly Fishing, Sebago Region
The Crooked River is a very healthy river with a promising future. That was not always the case. Just a few years ago the future of this river hung in the balance as a group wanted to dam up the river to run their mill for historical purposes. This would have had a...
by | May 1, 2015 | Fishing Reports, Fly Fishing, Sebago Region
Finally, the bald eagles have come back to their nest on Lower Range Pond. I had seen one flying around last week, but no activity in the nesting area. Today both of them were busy flying around the pond with sticks in their beaks rebuilding their nest. Some of...
by | Apr 21, 2015 | Fishing Reports, Sebago Region
This day was a day of polar opposites. Got to Lower Range Pond as the sun was coming up and the water was calm with no wind. The silence of the morning was broken up periodically by the calling of a pair of loons. That is a sound I will never get tired of hearing....